SmallGovCon Week in Review: July 22-26, 2024

Happy Friday! This week saw several large contract awards that reflect the federal government’s ongoing efforts to modernize its technology infrastructure, enhance defense capabilities, and improve emergency services and IT support across various agencies. In other news, SBA will be holding a tribal consultation that seeks to reduce administrative burdens and increase autonomy for Tribal Nations in addressing their specific needs. You can read more about this week’s developments in the articles below. And we will do a deeper dive into SBA’s recent announcement in an upcoming blog post. Have a great weekend.

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SmallGovCon Week in Review: October 25-29, 2021

Happy Friday and Happy Halloween! As always, there was a lot of news in the federal government contracting world this week including an announcement from the SBA concerning a new community navigator pilot program which will provide $100 million in funding to 51 organizations to help support local community entrepreneurs. Also, the GSA announced it will be making revisions to its commercial platform initiative. You can read more about these and other federal government contracting related topics in the articles below.

Have a great weekend!

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SmallGovCon Week In Review: May 24-28

As we prepare for a long Memorial Day weekend, let us not forget to honor and thank all those that have served and continue to serve our country. Memorial Day is a day of reflection for those that have come before us and paved the way for our sacred freedoms that are often taken for granted. A big thank you to all of our veterans and active duty military. We see you, we honor you and we appreciate you greatly. Thank you for your service.

“As we express our gratitude we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter the words, but to live by them.” -John F. Kennedy

We hope you a have a wonderful and reflective Memorial Day weekend. Here are a few noteworthy happenings in federal government contracting this week, including an upcoming SBA update on the pending SDVOSB governmentwide certification, the launch of the new SAM website, a timeline for CMMC assessor training, and more.

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Week In Review: July 6 – July 10, 2020

Congratulations, everyone! We’ve made it through another week. Hopefully your weekend will be full of (socially-distanced) pool parties and barbecues . . . or, at the least, an afternoon couch nap.

Before we log off for the weekend, it’s time for the SmallGovCon Week In Review. In this week’s edition, we’ll touch on CMMC (of course), the Alliant II cancellation, and more.

Have a great weekend!

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SmallGovCon Week In Review: November 11 – 15, 2019

This week, I wanted to send a special thank you our nation’s veterans. Your service is vital to our country and a big part of the work that many federal contractors perform.

With that in mind, here are some of the interesting federal contracting updates from the past week. This week we have stories about a potential government shutdown, the annual suspension and debarment report, and new tools coming to protect the supply chain from potential malicious actors.

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SmallGovCon Week In Review: November 4 – 8, 2019

It’s a busy travel period in our office. Just this week, I went to Warrensburg, Missouri for the Procurement Conference 2019 featuring Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler. It’s been great to chat with folks at these conferences.

Despite all the travel, we’ve been keeping up with federal contracting news. This week, we wanted to share a number of stories, including the Justice Department’s anti-price collusion “strike force”, a crackdown on supply chain cybersecurity, and the number of suspended and debarred contractors fell for the fourth year in a row.

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SmallGovCon Week In Review: October 28 – November 1, 2019

Hope everyone had a great Halloween yesterday! Around these parts, the thermometer got down to freezing last night. But I took the kids out for a quick trick-or-treat outing down the street. And we also had some fun painting pumpkins in the office.

Next week I’ll be in Warrensburg, MO on Wednesday for Congresswoman Hartzler’s Procurement Conference. We hope to see many of our SmallGovCon readers out there!

Amidst all the spooky fun, the government contracting news kept rolling in. This week, we highlight updates about supply chain cybersecurity, DOD modernizing software development, and the Pentagon announcing a big push to incorporate 5G technology.

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