Koprince McCall Pottroff LLC GovCon Handbooks Volume 1 (Second Edition): Joint Ventures
For federal government contractors seeking to perform larger and more complex requirements, joint ventures can be the answer. But government contracts joint ventures come with strings attached- especially when the joint ventures will pursue a set-aside contract. Get the details wrong and the joint ventures could be ineligible for award. In this GovCon Handbook, we will provide a detailed look at the rules and regulations for government contract joint ventures, including size and socioeconomic requirements, mandatory joint venture provisions, performance of work requirements and much more! Written in plain English and packed with easy-to-understand examples, this GovCon Handbook demystifies the legal requirements surrounding government contract joint venture agreements.
Available in Paperback and on Kindle.

Koprince McCall Pottroff LLC GovCon Handbooks Volume 2 (Second Edition): SBA Small Business Size and Affiliation Rules
Is your small business really small? When it comes to federal government contracts, the answer can be a lot more complex than it sounds.
In this GovCon Handbook, government contracts attorneys provide an in-depth look at the size and affiliation regulations for federal contractors.
Written in plain English and packed with easy to understand examples, this GovCon Handbook demystifies the SBA’s rules regarding small business status for government contracts.

Koprince McCall Pottroff LLC GovCon Handbooks Volume 4 (Second Edition): The 8(a) Program
The 8(a) Business Development Program offers extraordinary benefits to disadvantaged small businesses, including set-aside and sole source government contracts. But the 8(a) Program’s rules are complex, and business owners can grow frustrated trying to understand and comply with them.
In this GovCon Handbook, Steven Koprince and Nicole Pottroff demystify the 8(a) Program. Written in plain English and packed with easy-to-understand examples, this GovCon Handbook will help 8(a) applicants and participants take full advantage of the 8(a) Program.

Koprince McCall Pottroff LLC GovCon Handbooks Volume 5: Procedures and Pitfalls of Size Protests and Appeals
In this GovCon Handbook, government contracts attorney Shane McCall explains how to prepare for size protests and appeals. Written in plain language without legal jargon, the many examples will help contractors learn the basic and advanced strategies for a company to work through the size protest and appeal processes.
An adverse size protest determination and an unsuccessful appeal can make or break a small business that is competing for federal contracts restricted to small businesses. Not only can it result in losing a contract award, but a business found other than small cannot compete for future small business contracts until it has been recertified as small.
The Small Business Guide to Government Contracts
Federal government contracts are both the lifeblood of hundreds of thousands of small businesses and a quagmire of red tape. One misstep can result in cancelled contracts, suspension and debarment from government contracting, hefty fines–even jail time. If your small business contracts with the government, you cannot afford not to know the rules. Written by SmallGovCon author Steven Koprince, The Small-Business Guide to Government Contracts explains the key rules you must follow to keep in Uncle Sam’s good graces and avoid harsh penalties.
Find out why industry leaders are calling The Small-Business Guide to Government Contracts a “definitive guide” to small business compliance and a “must read” for small government contractors. Order the book on Amazon or Barnes & Noble.