SmallGovCon Week in Review: July 22-26, 2024

Happy Friday! This week saw several large contract awards that reflect the federal government’s ongoing efforts to modernize its technology infrastructure, enhance defense capabilities, and improve emergency services and IT support across various agencies. In other news, SBA will be holding a tribal consultation that seeks to reduce administrative burdens and increase autonomy for Tribal Nations in addressing their specific needs. You can read more about this week’s developments in the articles below. And we will do a deeper dive into SBA’s recent announcement in an upcoming blog post. Have a great weekend.

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Ostensibly OK: SBA Decision on Ostensible Subcontractor Rule Gives Contractors Some Clear Guidelines

In a recent post, we looked at the implications of BA OHA’s reasoning in In & Out Valet Co., SBA No. VSBC033-P, 2024 (June 12, 2024) on the full-time devotion requirement. Today we look at the impact of that case on another of SBA’s rules that has implications for both small businesses and for companies in the 8(a) Program, Women-Owned Small Business Program (WOSB), and the Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business Program (SDVOSB)–the ostensible subcontractor rule. The rule requires contractors not to rely too heavily on a subcontractor in the performance of a contract set aside under an SBA socioeconomic program. In practice, this standard may be confusing to a lot of hopeful contractors. What, after all, constitutes “undue reliance?” How reliant is too reliant? OHA’s reasoning in this recent decision helps clarify their application of the regulations, with results that may have far-reaching implications.

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Federal Circuit Decision: Slightly Opens Protest Door to Non-Offerors

Lately, we’ve seen a boom in protests being brought to the United States Court of Federal Claims (COFC) in lieu of protests brought at the Government Accountability Office (GAO). And it appears that the recent decision in Percipient.AI, Inc. v. United States, 2023-1970 (June 7, 2024) may have just set the course for even more. But the case here didn’t start with an offeror under a solicitation. Instead, it was brought by a commercial software company, Percipient.AI, Inc. (Percipient), who challenged the government’s acquisition of custom software at the Court of Federal Claims and then landed right in the lap of United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (Federal Circuit).

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SmallGovCon Week in Review: July 15-19, 2024

Happy Friday! July sure is flying by! We’ve been very busy here at SmallGovCon with all that is happening in the federal government contracting world. We have included an extensive list of informative articles for this week in review.

At the top of our week in review articles, SmallGovCon contributor Nicole Pottroff was quoted in a touching Washington Post story that we have included this week, concerning the SBA’s 8(a) Program social disadvantage narrative requirements. Enjoy your weekend!

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Common Misconceptions: SBA’s Mentor-Protégé Program (Part I – MPP JVs & Affiliation Shield)

The SBA’s Small Business Mentor-Protégé Program (MPP) is arguably one of the federal government’s most successful undertakings when it comes to supporting our nation’s small business policies, economy, and contracting goals. It fosters the development of small business protégés, allowing many different forms of mentor assistance. It includes opportunity for eligible protégés and their mentors to joint venture (JV) for set-aside contracts—often otherwise off-limits to mentors that don’t qualify for the set-aside status/size standard and/or to protégés incapable of competing for or performing such contracts on their own. MPP JV awards may also incentivize federal government customers—simultaneously getting closer to meeting their set-aside quotas and getting the know-how, qualifications, resources, and personnel of more experienced (typically larger) contractors.

While it’s easy to see why this program enjoys immense popularity amongst small and large businesses alike, confusion consistently shrouds SBA’s MPP, nevertheless (hence the need for a two-parter here). In this article, we’ll skip over the “basics” of SBA’s MPP (which you can read all about here) and instead, jump right into the first few common misconceptions surrounding the program (with the rest to follow in Part II).

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He Never Saw Himself as Disadvantaged. Then the Government had Him Write an Essay. -Julian Mark (Washington Post)

I am incredible honored by the shout-out I received in this recent, powerful Washington Post article, by the talented Julian Mark. Mark also wrote the prior article including my statements about the 8(a) Program litigation and changes that took place last summer, which you can read about here. This second article covers the incredible story of 8(a) Program graduate, Curtis Joachim, and my work with him in drafting a successful social disadvantage narrative to remain in the program for his final year—a requirement (now) for all applicants and participants imposed by Federal District Court and implemented by SBA. I am so fortunate I had the opportunity to work with Curtis and so grateful for his strength and grace in sharing his inspiring story.

VOSB Program Possibly Expanding? Congress Takes Next Step Towards VOSB Expansion

The Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB) Program has long held a sort of unheralded position in SBA and federal contracting. Unlike its much more expansive counterpart, the Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) Program, the VOSB Program only allows for set asides for VOSBs for VA procurements (and even within VA SDVOSB companies are in a higher tier than VOSBs). In contrast, all agencies can set aside contracts for SDVOSBs. This has limited the desirability of admission to the program for many veteran owners, many of whom do not do work, that the VA needs. But things might be changing, as Congress has proposed a big step towards expanding what agencies can set-aside contracts for VOSBs.

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