Webinar Event: Joint Ventures A Powerful Small Business Tool hosted by the Catalyst Center for Business & Entrepreneurship, August 28, 2024

The Catalyst Center for Business & Entrepreneurship is hosting this helpful, virtual workshop on August 28 at 10:00am CDT. Joint ventures can be a powerful tool for companies to jointly compete for proposals and combine the best of their capabilities to perform their awards. This webinar, presented by federal government contracts attorney, Gregory Weber, will address the benefits of joint venturing, eligibility, how past performance comes into play, and the differences between a joint venture and a teaming agreement. He will also discuss how to make sure a joint venture agreement is compliant with the latest rules, how to set them up, and how to avoid some common traps in the process. Register here.

Picking Your Team: Joint Ventures Versus Prime/Subcontractor Teams (Part Three, Relationships)

Federal contractors often ask: “It is better to team up for government work with a prime-sub arrangement or with a joint venture?” Well, (spoiler alert) the answer is: it depends. But I won’t leave you with just that. This three-part series will provide insight on some of the major differences between these two types of “teams” that offerors should consider when making the decision between a joint venture or prime/subcontractor team in competing for and performing federal contracts. While this series will not provide a comprehensive list of all the differences between these two types of teams, it will cover some of the big ones that seem to come up more frequently in this decision-making process. Our first article focused on workshare, and our second, on past performance. This final article of the three-part series will discuss the parties’ relationship with the government and with each other in both types of teams.

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Joint Venture Affiliation Exception Isn’t Unlimited, OHA Says

To encourage joint venturing, the SBA’s size regulations provide a limited exception from affiliation for certain joint venturers: a joint venture qualifies for award of a set-aside contract so long as each venturer, individually, is below the size standard associated with the contract (or one venturer is below the size standard and the other is an SBA-approved mentor, and they have a compliant joint venture agreement). In other words, the SBA ordinarily won’t “affiliate” the joint venturers—that is, add their sizes together—if the joint venture meets the affiliation exception.

Because of this special treatment, it can be easy for the venturers to assume that they are completely exempt from any kind of affiliation. But as the SBA Office of Hearings and Appeals recently confirmed, however, the exception isn’t nearly so broad.

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SBA Affiliation and Joint Ventures: SBA OHA Explains the Rules

Is a small business affiliated with its joint venture partner?  Forgive the stereotypical lawyerly response, but the answer is “yes and no.”  A small business is affiliated with its joint venture partner on a procurement-specific basis, but typically is not affiliated with its joint venture partner on an ongoing basis.  The SBA’s Office of Hearings and Appeals succinctly explained the basic rules relating to joint ventures and affiliation in Size Appeal of Innovative Resources, SBA No. SIZ-5238 (2011).

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