SBA: Ostensible Subcontractor Affiliation Arises from Improper Limitations on Subcontracting in Proposal

The SBA ostensible subcontractor affiliation rule has long confused contractors and their attorneys alike because its standards were not very clear. It was based on whether, in a small business contract, a subcontractor performs the “primary and vital requirements of a contract” or the prime contractor was “unusually reliant” on the subcontractor. SBA’s Office of Hearings and Appeals filled in the gaps on these terms. But in 2023, SBA updated its definition for these rules, declaring that if a small business prime contractor (other than under a general construction contract) met the limitations on subcontracting, it basically was not violating the ostensible subcontractor rule. A recent case looked at a circumstance where a small business prime contractor was not meeting the limitations on subcontracting.

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Why File: A Size Protest

We at SmallGovCon are excited to announce this first in a new line of blogs we call Why File. Our firm handles a wide variety of federal procurement and contract litigation matters–from SBA size and status protests to contract claims and appeals, and everything in between. One of the most common and important questions we get in that regard is, should I file? Of course, we can only directly answer that question for our current clients after reviewing the relevant facts giving rise to the potential filing. But through our new Why File series, we will cover some of the most common facts and circumstances that lead contractors to initiate litigation. So, without further adieu, here is the first blog in the series, covering some of the most common reasons contractors file size protests.

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Event: Meet the Buyers Fall 2023 Conference | October 17-19 | Scottsbluff, Nebraska

Please join attorney John Holtz, as he heads back to his home state of Nebraska, to the Meet the Buyers Conference. This is Nebraska’s premier government contracting conference where businesses can advance their contracting knowledge, connect with other business owners, and network directly with agency representatives and buyers. John will be doing two presentations: joint ventures, as well as size and affiliation issues.

Don’t miss the chance to meet directly with Federal, State, and Local government agency reps, government contracting industry people, and resource providers and please stop by the Koprince McCall Pottroff table and say hi to John. More information and registration here.

On Deck for SBA Regulations in 2023: Affiliation and WOSB Rule Changes

SBA, like other agencies, publishes a semiannual Regulatory Agenda to provide an update on the various rules it has coming up as well as a timeline for when they will be published or become final. While SBA doesn’t have to meet these timeframes, it’s always good to check in on what SBA has been working on when the final rules will come out. This agenda includes an update on increased size standards, along with some other important rules. Here is a summary of the upcoming rules and what we think could most impact federal contractors. Be sure to comment on these rules if you have an opinions on them.

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SBA Revisions to the “Two-Year Rule” for Joint Ventures: a Reminder to Read the Entire Rule

SBA recently revised its affiliation regulations in a number of ways, some of which we have already discussed here. We have likely sounded pretty upbeat about most of SBA’s recent updates thus far, as the majority do seem to be a step in the right direction–adding clarity to SBA’s rules and furthering the policies SBA seeks to enforce. Well, not trying to rain on any parades here, but at least one of SBA’s recent regulatory updates, (at least in our humble opinion) has the potential to confuse federal contractors regarding SBA’s affiliation rules. That update revised the language in SBA’s “Two-Year Rule” for small business joint ventures–though, it really didn’t change the substance or effect of the rule, at all. Let’s take a closer look.

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New Defenses to the Ostensible Subcontractor Rule are Coming

You may have noticed that SBA issued a final rule last week that created sweeping changes to the SBA’s 8(a) Program regulations, but along with that, SBA made sure to slip in a change to the ostensible subcontractor rule that has been a sticking point for many contractors when facing affiliation concerns. With this final rule, SBA will update the regulations to provide contractors certain ways to defend against potential ostensible subcontractor rule affiliation, depending on the type of contract at issue. This represents a shift in thinking, related to how to combat allegations brought under this affiliation rule and could present some new wrinkles for contractors to consider when setting up subcontracting arrangements.

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SBA to Small Businesses: Be Careful with Ostensible Subcontractors on SBIR Awards

In a recent decision, the Small Business Administration (SBA) Office of Hearings and Appeals (OHA) examined a company that received two Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant awards. The SBA Area Office had determined that the awardee was not an eligible small business due to ostensible subcontractor affiliation and other reasons. This decision is an important reminder for SBIR candidates on how they should structure subcontracting teams, as SBA will examine SBIR awardee eligibility.

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