We at SmallGovCon are trying to get back into the routine of school. Pick-ups, drop-offs, practices, and clubs–it’s a lot. And the government is also ramping up activity a bit as it prepares for fiscal year end and what usually is a big rush of contract awards. With that in mind, check out the latest news, including SBA’s social disadvantage requirements, cybersecurity, and potential changes from a defense procurement commission. Have a great weekend.
We are pleased to announce that the Second Edition of the GovCon Handbook, SBA Small Business Size and Affiliation Rules, is now available!
Is your small business really small? When it comes to federal government contracts, the answer can be a lot more complex than it sounds.
In this GovCon Handbook, government contracts attorneys provide an in-depth look at the size and affiliation regulations for federal contractors. Written in plain English and packed with easy to understand examples, this GovCon Handbook demystifies the SBA’s rules regarding small business status for government contracts.
To keep federal contractors apprised of recent decisions affecting the 8(a) Program, we are launching the 8(a) Contractors’ Toolkit. The goal is to provide relevant and useful information for government contractors about eligibility, contract requirements, and best practices. We are here to help federal contractors navigate the rapidly changing waters of the 8(a) Program.
Check back regularly as we cover various topics bearing on federal contractors currently participating in or hoping to gain entry into the 8(a) Program. We will regularly and promptly update the site to keep our readers informed of all updates, clarifications, and guidance regarding the 8(a) Program, as they are released.
We understand that things may feel a bit uncertain and overly complex in the 8(a) Program at this time. Our greatest hope is that this collection of specific information on the current changes to the 8(a) Program and social disadvantage narratives will guide contractors in drafting their narratives, but we are also here to help anyone who needs assistance. More information is available at this link.
If you are needing legal assistance, please reach out at info@koprince.com or call 785-200-8919.
Steven Koprince, Govology Legal Analyst and retired founder of Koprince McCall Pottroff (and all around cool dude) will be presenting this webinar which covers the Ins and Outs of the DPA Title III Agreement, including which contractors are eligible, how to find and pursue DPA Title III opportunities, typical terms of DPA Title III agreements, and more. Don’t miss your chance to learn all about DPA Title III, in plain English! Register here.
Happy Friday! School started this week and I’m not sure who was more excited, the kids or the parents? Seems like the summer school break flew by. It’s really fun to see all those first day of school photos that the parents are posting.
Here in Lawrence, Kansas the university students are also back in town and the energy level is always palpable as the semester is starting. We hope you had a nice summer and were able to get out and enjoy a little family time, prior to the start of the school year. Enjoy the weekend!
And now, the news in federal government contracting, as the fiscal year comes to a close, there are updates on some big MACs, government IT and cybersecurity, and new DOL regulations.
We hope you have a wonderful weekend and please refer to our most recent blog posts for additional information on federal government contracting matters.