Govology Webinar: Small Business Subcontracting Plans: What SBLOs Need to Know, May 16, 2024, 1:00pm EDT

Steven Koprince, Govology Legal Analyst and retired founder of Koprince McCall Pottroff will be presenting this webinar to help you understand when a small business subcontracting plan is required for a federal prime contractor. Additionally, the course will cover common oversights and mistakes made by prime contractors in connection with establishing and implementing small business subcontracting plans. Please join Steve as he walks you through the process. Register here.

SmallGovCon Week in Review: May 6-10, 2024

Happy Friday and Happy Mother’s Day! Celebrations of mothers and motherhood can be traced back to the ancient Greeks and Romans, who held festivals. The American incarnation of Mother’s Day was created by Anna Jarvis in 1908 and became an official U.S. holiday in 1914. Did you know that the most phone calls are made in the United States on Mother’s Day? We hope you have a wonderful weekend and please acknowledge all those mothers and mother-figures in your life. Have a nice weekend.

And now in federal government contracting news this week, some of the interesting updates included GAO’s look at waste in federal programs (they found some) as well as a push to lift budget caps on the DoD.

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Apparent Conflict: Appearance of Impropriety Enough to Exclude a Contractor from Federal Contract

When a government employee moves from a federal agency to a private contractor, this sort of revolving door can lead to concerns that contractor hiring the ex-agency employee is getting special treatment. To avoid this concern, the ex-agency will sometimes bar the contractor from competing. In a recent case, the Navy did just that and a court had to review if the Navy made a reasonable decision.

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SmallGovCon Week in Review: April 29-May 3, 2024

Happy Friday! And just like that, it’s May! Hope you had a wonderful week and have some fun plans this weekend. This week in federal government contracting news included updates about small business federal contracting dollars (see our blog here) as well as new contracting bills coming out of Congress.

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SmallGovCon Week in Review: April 22-26, 2024

Good day and happy Friday! We hope you had a very productive week and are looking forward to the weekend. We have been, and will be, receiving some much-needed rain, so outdoor weekend activities might be a bit hit or miss here. It’s wonderful weather for all those recently planted gardens, however, as long as the storms aren’t bad!

In federal government contracting news this week, be sure to check out the stories about the new sustainability rules (and our recent blog), as well as new legislation on solicitation language and buying technology.

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Contracting While Impaired: Court Rejects Overbroad Finding of OCI Based on Impaired Objectivity

Contracting agencies, and contractors, must always be aware of potential organizational conflicts of interest (OCIs). An OCI can result in a contractor being kicked off a federal procurement. One type of OCI is an impaired objectivity OCI, typically resulting from a contractor evaluating its own offer or its own performance. In a recent decision, the United States Court of Federal Claims (COFC) said that an agency was overly cautious in rejecting an offeror based on a perceived OCI.

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SmallGovCon Week in Review: April 15-19, 2024

Happy Friday everyone! Here in the Midwest we are enjoying some nice spring weather. But along with the beautiful flowers comes the allergies for some folks. In contracting news this week legislators in Washington have been working on bills in an attempt to make it easier for small businesses to work with the government and there is continued movement on cybersecurity for federal contractors. You can read more about that in the articles below as well as other contracting news.

Have a great weekend.

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