Event: Government Contracting Ethics, Hosted by Govology

In the commercial world, it’s normal to buy a good customer a holiday gift. But when your customer is Uncle Sam, you might break the law by giving that same gift.

The government contracting ethics rules aren’t always as cut-and-dried as “don’t give the contracting officer a briefcase full of unmarked bills” (although you shouldn’t do that, either!) and the government’s rules sometimes vary from commercial norms. On June 10, please join me and Shane McCall as we cover the key ethics and related rules contractors should know, including gift/gratuity rules, the False Claims Act, Procurement Integrity Act, anti-kickback rules, contingency fee restrictions, conflicts of interest and much more.

This webinar is hosted by our friends at Govology and it’s easy to register: just click here. Shane and I hope to see you on June 10!

Event: Three-Part Series on Joint Ventures & Prime/Subcontractor Teams

For small and large businesses alike, joint venturing and prime/subcontractor teaming on federal contracts can bring powerful benefits. But the rules governing teaming and JVs can be complex, and in focusing on compliance, sometimes best practices can get lost in the shuffle.

On April 20 through 22, please join me and Nicole Pottroff for a special, three-part course on joint ventures and prime/subcontractor teaming, hosted by Govology. We’ll cover the key compliance rules in plain English, dispel common myths, and discuss best practices to help your teaming documents go beyond bare-bones compliance. It’s easy to register: just click here.

We hope to see you starting on April 20!

Event: Still a Game Changer: The SBA’s All Small Mentor-Protégé Program (2021 Update)

SBA’s All Small Mentor-Protégé Program isn’t a baby anymore—in fact, it isn’t even a toddler! But it remains a “game-changer” for large and small contractors alike. Now, it is effectively absorbing its 8(a) Mentor Protégé Program counterpart.

On February 11, please join me and Steven Koprince in an online session hosted by Govology where we cover the details of the recent mentor protégé program consolidation, along with all the other big changes to the program we’ve seen this last year.

Please click here for the registration information. Hope to see you there!

Event: SAM Profiles with Carroll Bernard of Govology

Raise your hand if you love completing your SAM profile! Um, anyone? Anyone?

Love it or hate it, SAM is a fact of life for government contractors, and it’s very important to get it right. Mistakes on your SAM profile (including those seemingly never-ending “reps and certs”) can come back to haunt you.

On December 1, please join me and Carroll Bernard, the co-founder of Govology, as we discuss how to set up your SAM profile–properly! Just click here to register. Hope to see you then!

Govology’s Government Contracts Year in Review is Coming–And It’s Easy to Get a 25% Discount

Over the last several years, I’ve established an important pre-holiday December tradition. No, not decking the halls or leaving carrots for the reindeer–I’m talking about presenting the annual Government Contracts Year in Review webinar, hosted by my good friends at Govology. The Year in Review covers the year’s biggest government contracting developments, with a special emphasis on small business issues.

The 2020 Year in Review is scheduled for Tuesday, December 15. And just like Kris Kringle, I’ve got a special gift for this year’s well-behaved contractors and acquisition professionals: a 25% discount!

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Limitations on Subcontracting: Step-by-Step, Plain English Guides

In my legal career representing hundreds of small businesses in government contracting, few topics have caused as much confusion as the limitations on how much work can be subcontracted on small business set-aside contracts and sole source contracts (like 8(a) Program direct awards).

Earlier, working with my friends at Govology, I put together step-by-step compliance guides for service contractors, construction contractors, manufacturers, and nonmanufacturers. Each guide is written in plain English and includes examples to help demonstrate how the SBA’s limitations on subcontracting rule (13 C.F.R. 125.6) works in practice.

Here’s where to find my limitations on subcontracting guides:

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The Basics: Socioeconomic Sole Source Awards

Just last week during a Govology webinar on Women-Owned Small Businesses, one of the attendees asked an insightful question about the different standards for giving sole source awards to participants in various government programs. She wanted to know the difference between how contracting officers go about offering an 8(a) sole source award and a WOSB sole source award.

So, let’s take a look, shall we?

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