Back to Basics: Agency Contracting Authority

So much of federal contracting discussion is focused on the pursuit of contracts (set-aside certifications, size status, solicitation terms, bid protests etc.). But, what sometimes gets lost in all of that is what happens after. The performance of a contract is where the rubber meets the road in federal contracting, but that doesn’t mean agencies are without limits on what they can do during performance.

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Back to Basics: Status Protests

In the world of Federal Government Contracting, it often feels like there are 20 different ways that your business or your business’s awards can be protested. In addition to size protests and bid protests (at both GAO and the COFC), there is also what is commonly referred to as a “status protest.” A status protest, while certainly less common than size protests and bid protests, still presents its own unique factors, procedures, and corresponding risks that contractors should be aware of. In this next installment of our Back to Basics series, we will walk you through a status protest and what impact a status protest may have on a federal contractor’s business.

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Back to Basics: Calculating Small Business Size

Most contractors, when starting their journey into the world of federal contracting eventually run into the same question: What size is my business? In the world of federal contracting, the size of your business can determine whether you can bid on certain procurements, participate in certain programs, and more. Miscalculating or misrepresenting your business size could open you up to size protests, and other severe repercussions. So, knowing the accurate size of your business could be critical to the success or failure of your federal contacting business. But don’t fear, in this edition of our Back to Basics series, we will discuss some of the basics around calculating the size of your business and why it all matters.

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Back to Basics: Debriefings

Debriefings are a crucial part of the complicated world of bidding on Government contracts. They can provide wonderful insight to contractors on where they can improve, where their proposals were strong, and in cases, may provide information that could indicate to a contractor that a bid protest may be warranted. Therefore, it is vitally important for contractors to understand what Debriefings are, what they can and can’t provide you, and why they matter. Previously, we here at SmallGovCon discussed 5 things you should know about Debriefings, but in this post we will do a more detailed dive into Debriefings based on the current regulations and contracting landscape.

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Back to Basics: Limitations on Subcontracting

One of the common questions small business contractors ask themselves when planning performance of a contract is “how much of this work are we allowed to subcontract?” Trying to answer this question inevitably leads contractors to one of the most commonly used and frequently misunderstood rules in federal contracting, the Limitations on Subcontracting. In this post, we will break down some of the basics of this rule, and hopefully clear up any basic misunderstandings regarding it.

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Back to Basics: SBA’s Mentor-Protégé Program

One of the biggest gamechangers among Federal Contracting programs is the SBA’s Mentor Protégé Program. It provides an avenue for small businesses and large businesses to work together where they otherwise may not have been able to previously, helps federal contractors develop their companies, and can provide protection from affiliation. However, in order for businesses to take advantage of this program, the relationship between the mentor and protégé businesses must meet certain requirements. This entry in SmallGovCon’s Back to Basics series will provide a quick overview of some of the requirements and important areas for contractors to remember if they are considering participating in the SBA’s Mentor-Protégé Program.

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Back to Basics: Veteran-Owned Businesses and SDVOSB Eligibility

To honor the sacrifice made by our country’s veterans, the federal government has made it a priority to set aside federal contracting opportunities for Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Businesses (SDVOSB). To qualify for these opportunities, businesses must meet certain specifications in ownership and control. Let’s take a quick look at some the general qualifications needed to qualify as an SDVOSB and bid on SDVOSB set-aside contracts.

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