SBA OHA Decides First EDWOSB Eligibility Appeal

My daughter is learning to take her first steps, while holding onto the furniture.  Yesterday, she started pushing her stroller around the living room, essentially using it as a walker.  My wife and I looked at each other and said something like, “things are about to get really interesting around here.”

Things are also about to get interesting when it comes to the women-owned small business program, and its subset, the economically disadvantaged women-owned small business program.  Ever since the WOSB program formally came into being last year, I’ve been saying that it was only a matter of time before WOSBs and EDWOSBs started protesting one another’s eligibility for WOSB and EDWOSB set-aside procurements.

Now, the SBA Office of Hearings and Appeals has ruled on its first WOSB appeal.  What happened?  Well, for one, all WOSBs should make sure their facsimile machines are in good working order before submitting another bid.

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Ostensible Subcontractor Rule: Hiring Incumbent Employees “En Masse” Causes Affiliation

In the syndicated television show Crossing Over, psychic John Edward (not to be confused with former presidential candidate and tabloid mainstay John Edwards), claimed to carry on conversations with deceased relatives of audience members.  Perhaps not surprisingly, some critics have been skeptical of Mr. Edward’s supposed paranormal abilities, accusing him, according to Wikipedia, of using “prior knowledge or a wide array of quick and sometimes general guesses to create the impression of psychic ability.”  In other words, according to the critics, Crossing Over was one big sham.

Crossing Over–and the significant questions surrounding its legitimacy–is an apt metaphor for a question I commonly get from small companies planning a subcontracting relationship with an ineligible incumbent.  “Can we just hire all the prime’s employees?” they ask.  While this type of “crossing over” of employees, from ineligible incumbent subcontractor to eligible small business prime contractor, is not always impermissible, hiring too many of an ineligible incumbent’s employees–particularly managerial employees–can be seen as a sham of sorts by the SBA, as seen in one recent decision of the SBA Office of Hearings and Appeals.

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SDVOSB Eligibility: Lack of VetBiz Verification Irrelevant for Non-VA SDVOSB Set-Asides

“So what?”

That, in essence, is what the SBA Office of Hearings and Appeals had to say in a recent SDVOSB appeal decision, in which the protester contended that the service-disabled veteran-owned small business in question was not listed in the VA’s VetBiz database.  The SBA OHA decision serves as an important reminder: CVE verification only matters for VA SDVOSB set-asides.  When another agency sets-aside a procurement for SDVOSBs, there is no requirement that the awardee be listed in the VetBiz database.

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Teaming Agreements and the Ostensible Subcontractor Rule: SBA OHA Decision Provides Some Guidance

Teaming agreements for small business set-aside contracts can be tricky.  On the one hand, unlike 8(a) and SDVOSB joint venture agreements, there are no mandatory provisions.  On the other, if a competitor files an SBA size protest challenging the award, the teaming agreement may be “Exhibit A” in the SBA’s evaluation of whether the team violated the ostensible subcontractor rule.  In other words, mess up the teaming agreement, and you could have a big problem on your hands.

The SBA has never published a road map to a perfect teaming agreement, but a recent SBA OHA decision–which found no ostensible subcontractor rule violation–highlights a few provisions that prime contractors and their subcontractors would be wise to consider including.

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SBA OHA: VA Mentor-Protege Program Does Not Protect Participants From Affiliation

My parents taught me that it’s not polite to say, “I told you so.”  Mom and Dad are big proponents of being polite, and their lessons (by and large) stuck.  For instance, even in this day and age of abbreviated text messages and quick emails written on handheld devices, I always begin and end every business email with a salutation, and end with “regards,” or something along those lines.  Unnecessary?  Perhaps.  But I like to think I am going the extra mile toward being polite.

Today, however, politeness is going to have to take a little hiatus, because I can’t resist saying, “I told you so.”  For more than a year, I have been warning small government contractors that assistance received from a mentor firm under any federal mentor-protege program other than the SBA 8(a) mentor-protege program or DoD mentor-protege program is probably not shielded from the SBA’s affiliation analysis.

Now, the SBA Office of Hearings and Appeals has confirmed that participating in the VA’s mentor-protege program does not offer any protection from affiliation.

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SBA OHA: Inactive Employees Count for SBA Size Purposes

Back in my undergraduate days at Duke, I attended almost all of the home basketball games.  Occasionally, sometime in the second half, with the Blue Devils up 20 points or more, an opposing player would execute an impressive dunk, and proceed to do a little celebration.  I, along with my fellow Cameron Crazies, would immediately begin chanting, “scoreboard, scoreboard,” while pointing at the device in question.  Our message was, “that’s nice, but it just doesn’t matter.”  (Actually, we Crazies sometimes chanted “just doesn’t matter,” too).

“That’s nice, but it just doesn’t matter” is what the SBA’s Office of Hearings and Appeals had to say in a recent size appeal decision involving the question of whether employees who are sick, on vacation, or even comatose count toward a company’s employee-based SBA size standard.  SBA OHA’s answer: if they’re on the payroll, they count.  Period.

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Three Common SBA Size Protest Mistakes

Nobody’s perfect, the old saying goes.  While I might beg to differ in the case of my daughter (who, in my unbiased opinion, is perfectly adorable), the saying definitely holds true when it comes to SBA size protests.

I read every published SBA Office of Hearings and Appeals decision (I’m sure you are jealous), and I see many of the same mistakes repeated over and over,  Often, these mistakes cost the protester its chance at a successful size protest.

So, without further ado, here are my top three most common SBA size protest mistakes.

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