GAO Recommends Improvements For Comments on Proposed Federal Agency Rules

Have you ever felt like you were screaming into the void when submitting your comments to a proposed rule in the Federal Register? That your well thought out comments were being drowned out by a mass of other comments on a proposed rule or attributed to someone else? Have you wondered what agencies do with all that information you send them when you submit a comment on a proposed rule?

Well, GAO seems to have the same questions and concerns regarding the proposed rule comments process and has taken time these past few months to examine how agencies wade through comments on proposed rules, publish them, and clearly attribute identities to them.

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SBA Inspector General Identifies “Challenges” with Multiple SBA Programs

The SBA Office of the Inspector General has taken it upon itself to look at the SBA’s programs and activities in order to determine what risks the SBA may face in the 2020 Fiscal Year. It appears that the OIG did not like what it found.

The examination found multiple risks and problems associated with SBA programs, including the 8(a) program, the WOSB program, and SBA’s small business contract goaling methods.

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FAR Update: Simplified Acquisition Threshold and Micro-Purchase Threshold are Going Up

The Simplified Acquisition Threshold and Micro-Purchase Threshold are officially increasing under the FAR. While various agencies had already increased the thresholds through deviations, this change will officially update the rules in the FAR.

Although this may seem like a minor update, it will cause changes across the federal contracting landscape and will result in more contracts being issued under the Micro-Purchase and Simplified Acquisition Thresholds.

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DoD Finalizes Restrictions on Use of LPTA Source Selection Process

Effective October 1, DoD has issued a final rule restricting the use of LPTA solicitations in certain circumstances. This rule implements statutory changes from the 2017 and 2018 NDAA that will greatly impact the use of LPTA procurements by DoD contracting officers.

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GAO Reminds Contractors to Update All Profiles After a Name Change or Risk Bid Rejection

Many businesses go through name changes and rebranding throughout their growth as a company. But if you’re a government contractor, a business name change requires added updates that, if not done correctly and promptly, can affect the business’s ability to win a contract.

GAO’s recent decision hammered home just how important it is to make sure your contractor profiles are updated if you want to win contracts.

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Plan Ahead to Prevent Proposal Submission Issues, Says GAO

When submitting bids, contractors should always double check their proposal submission methods, whether it be a designated portal, email, or any other method, and do so well before the deadline.

GAO recently had the opportunity to examine proposal submission issues related to a US Navy procurement, and did not show sympathy for the contractor who experienced proposal submission issues right at the deadline.

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Proposed FAR Update to Allow Small Business Set-Asides for Contracts Outside USA

Traditionally, small business set-asides are not utilized in Federal contracts performed outside the United States. The SBA allows for contracts performed outside the United States to use set-asides or sole-source awards, but the FAR does not reflect this. Recently, the Department of Defense, General Services Administration, and NASA have proposed an update the FAR that would reflect the allowance of small business set-asides and sole-source awards in contracts performed outside of the United States. 

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