For large and small contractors alike, teaming agreements are often essential to winning and successfully performing federal government contracts. Many agencies are (increasingly) requiring teaming agreements for a prime contractor to rely on subcontractor experience, qualifications, or resources. Even where a teaming agreement is not required to compete for a contract, it can still significantly reduce the likelihood of disputes during contract performance. So it is easy to see why teaming agreements are special enough to be the star of their own show. In this webinar, government contracts attorney, Nicole Pottroff & Greg Weber, will explain how to develop, negotiate, and administer teaming agreements that are both compliant and effective, covering best practices for teaming agreements that go beyond the bare minimum legal requirements and lead to more successful teams. Please join us! Register here.
Tag Archives: teaming
Govology Webinar: Still A Game Changer: The SBA Mentor-Protégé Program (2023 Update), April 27, 2023, 1:00pm EDT

I hope you will join Nicole Pottroff and I as we discuss the benefits of the SBA’s Mentor-Protégé Program. We will be covering the program’s eligibility requirements, application process, options such as forming a special Mentor-Protégé Joint Venture and much more. Hope to see you there! Register here.
Back to Basics: Teaming Agreements
Teaming agreements are a great tool for establishing the prime-subcontractor relationship to jointly pursue government contracts. They can protect the parties’ rights, set performance expectations, demonstrate regulatory compliance, and reduce the likelihood of disputes down the line. But no matter how common teaming agreements have become, many still find them to be a bit of a mystery. This is probably because teaming agreements are neither required nor defined by SBA’s regulations or the FAR; and they have no regulatory-required content. But that doesn’t stop procuring agencies from requiring submission of teaming agreements with proposed teaming partners (especially where the offeror requests consideration of its proposed subcontractor’s past performance, experience, and/or capabilities). So, it is beneficial to know some of the “basics” of teaming agreements: what they are, why you should have one, and what should be included.
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