COFC Examines Small Business Size Recertification After Merger or Sale

A recent Court of Federal Claims decision examined the impact on the award to a small business when that small business is acquired, after proposal submission but before award, by a large business. In doing so, the court looked very closely at the FAR clauses incorporated into the solicitation by reference, versus those that are incorporated in full text.

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Are You a Small Business Being Acquired by a Large Business? Check Your Pending Bids

Many small business clients of mine have been approached by or considered acquisition by a larger firm. Well, if this sort of sale or merger would turn a small business into a large business, the small business should pay close attention to a little-publicized change stemming from SBA’s Mentor-Protégé Consolidation rule that came out last fall. The new rule could result in a company losing out on an otherwise successful bid.

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GAO: Small Business Rule of Two Doesn’t Require Set-Aside for Task Order

Generally, the small business Rule of Two requires an agency to set aside contracts for small business, assuming that there are at least two small businesses with competitive prices who will bid on the contract. But does the small business Rule of Two apply to orders under a multiple award contract? In a recent decision, GAO affirmed the answer is no–application of the small business Rule of Two for orders under a multiple-award contract is discretionary.

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Event: Small Business Contracting at Pub K’s Annual Review

As you make your plans for 2021, be sure to mark down Pub K’s Annual Year In Review. I’m excited to be part of a panel on small business contracting! There are other helpful panels on items ranging from claims to cybersecurity from January 25 through 28, so take a look at the entire schedule.

I’ll be speaking at 3 pm eastern on January 27. The event is free to the public. Check the site for details on how to register.

AFCEA Small Business Talk September 29

Mark your calendars for next week. I’ll be speaking at the AFCEA South Florida’s SB Lunch and Learn on September 29 from 11:30am – 12:30pm eastern time. The topic is “10 things every Small Business should know about Federal Contracting Law.”

AFCEA is an organization dedicated to “exploration of issues relevant to its members in information technology, communications, and electronics for the defense, homeland security and intelligence communities.” The event is open to all and registration information can be found here.

FAR Final Rule: Increased Micro-Purchase and Simplified Acquisition Thresholds

The Federal Acquisition Regulation has officially been updated to increase the micro-purchase threshold and the simplified acquisition threshold, effective August 31, 2020. Various federal agencies had already increased the thresholds through deviations, but this rule makes it official across the board. A few additional thresholds will increase due to inflation.

Read on for the details on how this could impact federal procurement.

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Clean-Up on Aisle “FAR”: Joint Venture and Subcontracting Plan Rules Get Modernized

Joint ventures and small business subcontracting are two issues near and dear to the hearts of many small business federal contractors. Well, the Federal Acquisition Regulation will soon be updated with respect to both of these topics. The new rules will align with SBA’s rules and remove any inconsistencies. Let’s dive in!

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