New Avenue for SBA Protests: Ostensible Subcontractor Status Protests

SBA has issued a final rule, effective December 30, that will now provide an avenue to protest situations where the prime contractor on a SDVOSB, HUBZone, or WOSB set-aside contract is subcontracting most or all of the work to a non-similarly situated—but still small business—concern.

It will also allow SBA to review eligibility for 8(a) Program contracts on this ground as well.

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SBA Finalizes Rule Allowing Set-Asides Under Small Business MACs

The SBA has published a final rule that would allow for quite the change to small business set-aside multiple award contracts (MACs) and orders issued under them. This final rule amends the SBA’s regulations to authorize task and delivery orders issued under a small business set-aside MAC, to be set-aside for HUBZone businesses, 8(a) businesses, SDVOSBs, or WOSBs.

While agencies had set aside orders under MACs before, SBA has now clarified its regulations to allow socioeconomic set-asides of orders under small business set-aside MACs.

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SBA Proposes to Remove the “Three” from the “Three-In-Two” Rule for Joint Ventures

The SBA recently proposed a rule that would amend the infamous three-in-two (AKA 3-in-2) rule for joint ventures. SBA’s current regulations provide that a joint venture can be awarded no more than three contracts over a two-year period.

While SBA plans to keep the two-year lifespan for joint venture awards, it plans to get rid of the three contract maximum.

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SBA Proposes to Eliminate Some 8(a) Joint Venture Agreement Approval Requirements

Recently, the SBA proposed big changes for its small business regulations, including some aspects of the 8(a) Program.

This post is Part 4 in our coverage of these proposed SBA changes and will cover the SBA’s potential changes to the joint venture agreement approval process for 8(a) contracts (here are part 1, part 2, and part 3 of our coverage).

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Alert! SBA Proposes to Consolidate the All-Small and 8(a) Mentor/Protégé Programs

As many small business government contractors know, the SBA offers two mentor/protege programs: one reserved for 8(a) participants; the other, a universal program open to all small businesses—not just 8(a) companies.

Since the All-Small Mentor/Protege Program was rolled out in 2016, many have wondered why the SBA still runs two programs, instead of a single, consolidated program.

Fans of government efficiency, your cries are soon to be answered. Earlier today, the SBA issued a comprehensive proposed rule that, among other things, would consolidate the 8(a) Mentor/Protégé Program into the All-Small Mentor/Protégé Program.

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5 Things You Should Know: Joint Ventures

Editor’s note: For more information, check out our updated post on Joint Ventures.

In the age of consolidated contracts and increased competition, small business federal contractors are searching for a way to improve their odds of winning the next opportunity. One of the most important tools for doing so is to form a joint venture.

Here are five things you should know about small business joint ventures:

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SBA Announces Increases to Receipts-Based Size Standards

Make sure to check your NAICS code size standards based on receipts, because SBA is increasing them across the board on August 19 to give small businesses more time to grow. On July 18, the SBA announced it will increase monetary-based industry size standards (meaning receipts-based and assets-based size standards).

This change is a result of adjustments for inflation that the SBA makes every five years. These rules will go into effect August 19, 2019.

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