Ostensible Subcontractor Rule: Management Ain’t Enough to Comply

When it comes to the SBA’s ostensible subcontractor rule, managing a contract, by itself, is not enough to avoid affiliation.

As demonstrated in a recent decision of the SBA Office of Hearings and Appeals, a small business and its subcontractor violate the ostensible subcontractor rule whenever the subcontractor will perform the primary and vital work required under the prime contract–even if the small business will perform the management function.

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FAA ODRA Applies SBA Ostensible Subcontractor Rule

The Federal Aviation Administration is exempt from the Small Business Act and the SBA’s size regulations, but this does not mean that the SBA’s ostensible subcontractor affiliation rule does not apply in FAA procurements.

In a recent decision, the FAA’s Office of Dispute Resolution for Acquisition applied the ostensible subcontractor rule–and SBA Office of Hearings and Appeals decisions interpreting that rule–in arriving at the conclusion that a contract awardee was an eligible small business.

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Ostensible Subcontractor Rule: Lessons Learned From SBA OHA

Avoiding affiliation under the SBA’s ostensible subcontractor rule can be difficult, especially since the ostensible subcontractor rule itself, 13 C.F.R. § 121.103(h)(4), does not provide many examples of the factors that may cause ostensible subcontractor affiliation.

A recent decision of the SBA Office of Hearings and Appeals, Size Appeal of InGenesis, Inc., SBA No. SIZ-5436 (2013), demonstrates that even when a proposed subcontractor will play a major role in the procurement, ostensible subcontractor affiliation may be avoided if the parties carefully structure their relationship.

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Ostensible Subcontractor Rule: SBA 8(a) Mentor-Protege “Shield” Does Not Apply

The SBA 8(a) mentor-protege affiliation “shield” does not prevent a mentor and protege from being affiliated under the so-called ostensible subcontractor rule, according to a recent decision of the SBA Office of Hearings and Appeals.

In Size Appeal of InGenesis, Inc., SBA No. SIZ-5436 (2013), SBA OHA held that the broad exception from affiliation for 8(a) proteges and their mentors does not prevent the SBA from deeming the companies affiliated under the ostensible subcontractor rule.

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SBA OHA: Northrop Grumman Entity Was An Ostensible Subcontractor

You would think a company as large as Northrop Grumman would know how to avoid ostensible subcontractor affiliation with a small prime, wouldn’t you?

You’d be wrong.  In a recent SBA Office of Hearings and Appeals decision, a Northrop Grumman entity entered into a teaming arrangement with a small prime, in which all three key employees identified in the proposal were employed by the large subcontractor.  The result: ostensible subcontractor affiliation.

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SBA OHA: Small Business Affiliated With Four Ostensible Subcontractors

Dividing key contract work among several subcontractors will not necessarily allow a small business to avoid affiliation under the SBA’s ostensible subcontractor rule, according to a recent decision issued by the SBA Office of Hearings and Appeals.  In that case, the prime contractor divided the primary and vital contract work among four subcontractors–and according to SBA OHA, was affiliated under the ostensible subcontractor rule with all four subs.

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Ostensible Subcontractor Rule: A Look At A Compliant Team

The ostensible subcontractor rule can be challenging, because there is no magic formula for compliance.  When a protester raises an ostensible subcontractor rule allegation, the SBA evaluates all aspects of the prime/subcontractor relationship to see whether the ostensible subcontractor rule was violated.  If the SBA concludes that the small prime contractor is unduly reliant on it subcontractor, and/or the subcontractor will perform the primary and vital portions of the contract, it will find the prime affiliated with its subcontractor.

Although there is no single recipe for ostensible subcontractor rule success, it can be useful to examine SBA Office of Hearings and Appeals cases to see exactly what sort of prime/sub relationships SBA OHA deems problematic–and which pass muster.  Today’s post is in the latter category: a recent SBA OHA decision finding that the ostensible subcontractor rule had not been violated.

What did the prime and subcontractor in that case do right?

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