Good Timing: SBA Decision on Full-Time Devotion Allows For Two Jobs if No Hours Overlap

There are multiple overlaps in SBA’s socioeconomic rules for the 8(a) Program, Women-Owned Small Business Program (WOSB), and the Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) Program. One in particular has often caused some confusion for our clients: the full-time devotion requirement. This rule generally requires that the service-disabled veteran owner (or equivalent key owner in the other programs) work full time for the company with the SDVOSB status. But what does this mean in practice, especially for start-up companies where the owner may be working a second job. A recent SBA decision sheds some light on the full-time devotion rule.

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OHA: Second Job Leads to 8(a) Program Termination

When it comes to the 8(a) program, you might want to quit your day job.

The 8(a) Business Development Program, similar to other SBA socioeconomic programs such as the service-disabled veteran-owned small business program, requires the disadvantaged individual owner to work full-time at the business during normal business hours of similar firms. If an owner has a second job outside the main company, that can create problems, as it did in a recent OHA decision.

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SBA 8(a) Program: Termination For “Full Time Employment” Violation Upheld

A participant in the SBA’s 8(a) Program was appropriately terminated because the company’s disadvantaged owner took another full-time job without the SBA’s permission.

The recent SBA Office of Hearings and Appeals decision upholding the termination is an important reminder of the limitations on outside employment for 8(a) owners–as well as a reminder of the importance to 8(a) firms of ongoing honesty and forthrightness with the SBA.

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SDVOSB Fraud: Justice Department Indicts Construction Company Owner

The U.S. Department of Justice has indicated David E. Gorski, an owner of Legion Construction, Inc., for alleged service-disabled veteran-owned small business fraud.  The indictment alleges that Gorski, a non-veteran, fraudulently represented that Legion was a SDVOSB to win federal SDVOSB set-aside contracts, and used genuine service-disabled veterans as figureheads in an attempt to avoid detection.

VetBizCentral, an organization providing various services to veteran entrepreneurs, has posted a full copy of the Gorski indictment on its website.  The allegations are well worth a closer look.

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