Govology Webinar Event: Top 21 Legal Mistakes in Government Contracting, September 15, 2022, 1:00pm EDT

Government contracting law is complex, and the rules aren’t always intuitive. As a result, many contractors make the same legal mistakes, involving everything from completing SAM profiles to calculating small business size to communicating with government contracting officers.

In this webinar, I will unveil the top 21 most common legal mistakes I see contractors make time and time again and how to avoid them. I hope you will join me!

Register here.

SmallGovCon Week in Review: September 5-9, 2022

Happy Friday, SmallGovCon Readers. The sunflower, which is the state flower or Kansas, are in full bloom. They have been spectacular this season! Sunflowers exhibit a trait called heliotropism, which means that they turn to face the sun. The tallest sunflower ever recorded was 30 feet tall! Wow! I haven’t seen one that tall but they sure are beautiful.

We hope you can get out and enjoy the September flowers in your neck of the woods and here’s a few noteworthy articles on federal goverment contracting that we hope you will find informative.

Have a great weekend!

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SmallGovCon Week in Review: August 29- September 2, 2022

Happy Labor Day weekend, Readers. Monday is a federal holiday so I’m sure everyone is looking forward to an enjoyable, long weekend and perhaps a parade. It turns out that the first Labor Day parade was in New York City on September 5, 1882 when, according to the US Department of Labor, a newspaper account of the day described “men on horseback, men wearing regalia, men with society aprons, and men with flags, musical instruments, badges, and all the other paraphernalia of a procession.”

While some of the parade marchers returned to work, most continued on to the post-parade party; even some unions that had not participated in the parade showed up to join in the post-parade festivities that included speeches, a picnic, an abundance of cigars, and “Lager beer kegs… mounted in every conceivable place.” – US Department of Labor

It sounds like a good time was had by all! Enjoy the long weekend and here are a few noteworthy happenings in federal government contracting news to peruse at your leisure.

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SmallGovCon Week in Review: August 22-26, 2022

Happy Friday, Readers. I hope this has been a productive week for you. We have been very busy here at SmallGovCon moving into the fall season. Living in a college town always brings a sense of energy and excitement as the students return for the fall semester.

The SBA made announcements this week about a new webinar series they are launching concerning the challenges of inflation on small businesses as well as a new program addressing cybersecurity infrastructure. You can read more about that, as well as other federal government news, in the articles we have included below. Have a great weekend!

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SmallGovCon Week in Review: August 15-19, 2022

Happy Friday, Readers. I wanted to send another thank you to Carter Merkle, Berbon Hamilton, and all the other folks who made the ICBS Show 2022 such a great experience. There were some informative speakers and a great opportunity for networking. I was very pleased to be able to speak about local opportunities related to the infrastructure law. Hope you have a nice weekend and enjoy the Week In Review.

This week saw some interesting federal contracting stories, including new deadlines for GSA MACs, working with agency small business offices, and a spotlight on OCIs.

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SmallGovCon Week in Review: August 8-12, 2022

It’s Friday, and that means its time for another round of SmallGovCon updates as you ease on into your weekend. I’m excited to be heading to Norman, Oklahoma next week for the ICBS 2022 show. I’ll be speaking about local opportunities related to the Infrastructure Act. Hope to see you there!

Have a great one and enjoy these last few weekends of summer!

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SmallGovCon Week in Review: July 25-29, 2022

We’ve been enjoying summer out here in Lawrence and many of our SmallGovCon professionals are taking a little time to themselves for summer vacation. We hope our readers are able to do the same thing! Whether you’re getting back from a vacation or working regular hours, here’s our weekly roundup of news from the federal government contracting to keep you updated on what’s been happening lately.

This week in the federal government contracting world, there is some interesting news, including the small business procurement scorecard from the SBA, which exceeded its contracting goal and the White House announced initiatives to ensure equity in federal procurement.

Enjoy the weekend!

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