Event Announcement: APTAC’s 2023 Fall Training Conference

Nicole Pottroff and I are excited to attend the Fall APTAC conference in Washington DC and will be presenting on legal updates on November 6. The conference gives agencies and primes the opportunity to promote supplier diversity programs and learn how the APEX Accelerators can partner and assist in meeting contracting goals.

The Association of Procurement Technical Assistance Centers (APTAC) is the professional organization of and for the DoD APEX Accelerators nationwide. APTAC supports the APEX Accelerators by providing important information, professional networking, comprehensive training and a voice in national government contracting assistance. They are a great resource for obtaining helpful information for federal government contractors. We certainly enjoy the opportunity to present throughout the year for this beneficial organization.

If you are attending, please stop by our table to say hello. Hope to see you there!

Goodbye PTAC, Hello APEX Accelerators

The Department of Defense (DOD) and the Small Business Administration (SBA) signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) on Friday, December 2, 2022, in a bid to strengthen and expand small business development nationally. The most obvious immediate change is that the more than 90 Procurement Technical Assistance Centers (PTAC) will be renamed APEX Accelerators, and the DOD and SBA are hopeful that this rebranding will bring new life to  the program, which provides free procurement assistance to small businesses that work with all levels of the government, whether federal, state, or local.

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Event: APTAC Fall Conference November 6-9

I’m excited to be headed to the APTAC Fall Conference from November 6-9 in DC. Hope to see many folks there! This event supports PTAC professionals around the country.

Procurement Technical Assistance Centers (PTACs) help small businesses succeed in public sector marketplaces by providing no-cost advising on all aspects of selling to the federal, state, and local governments. PTAC Procurement Counselors are dedicated to helping companies advance their business development, and they are great people to reach out to.

Event: APTAC Limitations on Subcontracting Session

For small businesses and their teammates, few topics in government contracting are as confusing as the limitations on subcontracting for set-aside and socioeconomic sole source contracts.  And if that isn’t stressful enough, the “LoS” is an area of heavy enforcement: get it wrong, and a contractor can face major penalties.  

Wouldn’t it be nice if someone would explain the limitations on subcontracting in plain English?  Well, if you’re a PTAC counselor, you’re in luck. On November 5, 2020, Koprince Law LLC Senior Partner Steven Koprince will present a session at the 2020 APTAC Fall Conference to help PTAC counselors and their clients understand and comply with this essential rule.

Thank You, APTAC!

I am back in Kansas after a fantastic trip to Reno for the 2019 APTAC Spring Conference. On Sunday, I taught a four-hour class on the FAR, followed by a general session Monday on major changes in Government contracting.

By my count, this was the ninth time I’ve attended an APTAC conference, and they’ve all been great. It was wonderful to see so many old friends and make some new ones, too. Thank you to APTAC’s leadership for inviting me, and for Terri Bennett of our home-state Kansas PTAC, who introduced my general session. A big thanks also to Carroll Bernard of Govology and Joshua Frank of RSM Federal, who kindly allowed me to share their booth.

If you’re a government contractor who hasn’t yet connected with your local PTAC, you’re missing out. Visit the APTAC website to find out more.

Thank You, APTAC!

I am back in Kansas after a fantastic trip to Jacksonville, Florida, where I spent yesterday at the Association of Procurement Technical Assistance Centers Spring Conference. My morning general session focused on important recent developments in government contracting–everything from key provisions of the 2018 National Defense Authorization Act to the impact of the RAND Corporation’s bid protest report.

It was great to see so many familiar faces.  Thank you to all of the wonderful PTAC counselors who attended the session and asked great questions during the presentation and after.  A big thanks to Scott Knapp of our local Kansas PTAC, who provided a warm introduction.  And a special thank you to the attendees who took my advice and really did “live Tweet” about the great pink tie my daughter gave me last Father’s Day!

Spending time with the PTACers is always one of the highlights of my professional year.  If you’re a government contractor who hasn’t yet connected with your local PTAC, you’re missing out.  Visit the APTAC homepage to find out more.

Thank You, 8(a)s!

I am back in Lawrence after a wonderful three days at the National 8(a) Association 2018 Small Business Conference in Nashville.  I was part of a great panel on Wednesday on the SBA’s All Small Mentor-Protege Program, and spent a lot of time on the trade show floor talking about government contracts with 8(a)s, government leaders, and large businesses.

A big “thank you” to Ron Perry, Paula Arevalo, and the rest of the National 8(a) Association for inviting me to participate in this fantastic event.  Thank you, also, to everyone who attended my panel or stopped by the Koprince Law LLC booth to say hello.  It was great to see so many familiar faces and make many new connections.

I’ll be sticking close to home in February, but head to sunny Florida in early March for the APTAC Spring Conference.  PTAC counselors, I look forward to seeing you there!