SmallGovCon Week in Review: July 3-7, 2023

Happy Friday! We hope you had a nice 4th of July and a great week. It was another scorcher here in Kansas, on the 4th, but thankfully our temperatures are much cooler to finish out the week. Here’s hoping you can find time to rest and relax this weekend and perhaps, read a few articles we thought were interesting from the federal government contracting world. Enjoy!

In this week’s edition, the federal fiscal fourth quarter is upon us!

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The Thaw: Dealing with the End of the HUBZone Map Freeze

Well, summer is certainly here. You only need to step outside to be able to tell. And with the arrival of summer, the long-awaited end to the HUBZone map freeze just occurred on June 30, 2023. The new map took effect the following day, July 1, 2023. If you’re in the HUBZone program, or are considering certification in the HUBZone program, you might have some questions as to what this means for you. In this post, we’ll explore what the changes will bring.

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SmallGovCon Featured on Legally Contented Podcast

If you are in to podcasts, law firm blogs, or legal marketing, check out my appearance on the Legally Contented podcast with Wayne Pollock. Here is the YouTube version, and below are links to the audio podcast on your format of choice. In this podcast, we discuss how blogging can make attorneys better attorneys balancing breaking news-type blog posts with substantive blog posts–and lots more. It was a great experience discussing SmallGovCon with Wayne. Hope you enjoy it.

SmallGovCon Week in Review: June 26-30, 2023

Happy Friday! We hope you have had a productive week. We are having a heat wave here in Kansas, with the heat index getting up to 106 degrees, and we know it’s even higher in other parts of the country. I think I speak for everyone here when I say we are grateful for air conditioning. We hope you are staying cool and healthy in your neck of the woods and looking forward to the weekend.

This week in federal government contracting news saw movement on the 2024 NDAA as well as calls for enhanced security on federal cyber projects.

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Govology Webinar: Compliant and Effective Teaming Agreements, Joint Ventures & Subcontracts – 3-Part Series (2023 Update) July 11-13, 2023, 1:00pm EDT

For large and small contractors alike, teaming agreements, joint venture agreements, and subcontracts can be essential to winning and successfully performing federal government contracts. In this three-part series, government contracts attorneys Nicole Pottroff and John Holtz will explain how to develop, negotiate and administer agreements that are both compliant and effective. The presentations will cover both the key rules (such as flow-downs and ostensible subcontractor affiliation) and best practices for agreements that go beyond the bare minimum legal requirements. Hope you will join us! Register here.

Recent NAICS Code Appeal Demonstrates Contractor Strategy to Limit Competition

While every federal government contractor is likely familiar with bid protests, whether directly involved in one or not, it is far less likely that those same contractors are as familiar with NAICS code appeals. This is probably due to the infrequent nature of NAICS code appeals, with roughly 20 being filed each year. However, even if so few are filed annually, they tend to have a relatively high success rate, with appeals decided on the merits being decided in favor of the Appellant about 50% of the time. Below, I will take a look at a recent NAICS code appeal to help demonstrate what the Small Business Administration’s (SBA) Office of Hearings and Appeals (OHA) takes into account when reviewing NAICS code appeals, and why you, as a contractor, should review a solicitation’s classification to potentially give you a leg up.

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