Event: Communicating With Contracting Officers (Wichita, KS)

Interactions with federal Contracting Officers are part and parcel of government contracts, but many traps exist for the unwary.

To help contractors understand the rules surrounding communications with contracting officials, I am pleased to announce that I will be presenting a seminar entitled “Dealing with Government Contracting Officials: What Can You Really Say And Do?” on April 29 in Wichita, Kansas.  The seminar is sponsored by the Kansas PTAC, and admission is free.  For more information, and to register, simply follow this link.

See you there!

Thank you, APTAC!

I am back in Lawrence after a trip to San Francisco, where I had the pleasure of presenting a session on government contracting ethics at the Association of Procurement Technical Assistance Centers Spring Conference.

It was great to spend a little time in the City by the Bay and to see so many familiar faces at the APTAC Spring Conference.  A big “thank you” to Becky Peterson and the APTAC leadership for inviting me to participate in the Spring Conference.  And of course, extra thanks to the PTAC counselors who attended the session, asked great questions, and refrained from all but a few minor digs at the tragic end of Duke’s basketball season.

If you are a small government contractor and haven’t made contact with your local PTAC counselors yet, what are you waiting for? PTAC counselors offer a wide variety of services for small contractors, often free of charge.  Visit the APTAC website to learn more.

Small Business Regulations: A Wall Street Journal Live Online Discussion

Tomorrow (or today, depending on when you are reading this), the Wall Street Journal will host a live online discussion about the impact of regulations on small business.  I will be a panelist, along with SBA’s ombudsman Brian Castro and small business advocate Melinda Emerson.

The live discussion begins at 3:00 Eastern on Thursday, March 27.  To join in, simply follow this link.  See you there!

Thank You, Pacific Northwest!

On Thursday, I had the pleasure of attending the Alliance Northwest Conference in Washington State, where I gave a breakfast keynote, as well as a breakout session.  My breakout presentation, “Government Contracts Legal Update 2014,” focused on legal developments of interest to small government contractors over the past several months.

A big “thank you” to the organizers and sponsors for putting together an outstanding event.  And of course, extra thanks to all the government employees, large businesses, and small business owners who attended.

If you were not able to make it to Alliance Northwest, you don’t have to be left out.  Just contact me and I would be happy to provide you with a copy of my breakout session presentation.

Event: GovCon Legal Update in Washington, DC

As a rare Midwestern government contracts attorney, I am often asked, “when are you next coming to DC?”  Well, now I have an answer.  I am pleased to announce that I will be presenting a workshop entitled “Government Contracts Legal Update 2014” at the Small Business Leadership Development  Conference on March 18.

My workshop will cover recent developments and trends in government contracts law, with a special emphasis on legal developments affecting small businesses.  I will also be on hand throughout the day at the Petefish, Immel, Heeb & Hird booth to answer questions about the presentation and discuss other areas of government contracts law.

If you haven’t yet registered for the SBLD Conference, don’t miss out.  The event focuses on emerging and small business leaders, and includes networking, educational workshops, and matchmaking sessions.  Visit the SBLD Conference website to learn more.

See you March 18!

Event: GovCon Legal Update At Alliance Northwest

Are you interested in recent legal developments in government contracting? Are you located in the Pacific Northwest?  If you answered “yes,” then I have good news.  I am pleased to announce that I will be presenting a workshop entitled “Government Contracts Legal Update 2014” at the Alliance Northwest Conference on March 13, 2014.

My workshop will cover recent developments and trends in government contracts law, with a special emphasis on legal developments affecting small businesses.  I will also be on hand throughout the day at the Petefish, Immel, Heeb & Hird booth to answer questions about the presentation, discuss other areas of government contracts law, or chat about the dominating Super Bowl victory by the hometown Seahawks.

If you haven’t attended Alliance Northwest before, don’t miss out this year. As the largest business-to-government conference in the Pacific Northwest, Alliance Northwest features hundreds of government buyers, large prime contractors, and small government contractors.  The event includes networking, educational workshops, and matchmaking sessions.  Visit the Alliance Northwest website to learn more.

See you in March!

Thank You, Texas!

I am back in Lawrence after a trip to the Lone Star State, where I spoke at the Fort Bliss Regional Contracting Industry Day.  My presentation, “The Legal Benefits and Pitfalls of Teaming Arrangements” focused on the upsides and potential drawbacks of teaming and joint venturing on federal set-aside contracts.

A big “thank you” to Joe Conway and the team at the El Paso Community College Contract Opportunities Center for hosting this outstanding event.  And of course, extra thanks to all the government employees, large businesses, and small business owners who attended.

If you weren’t able to make it to the Fort Bliss Regional Contracting Industry Day, you don’t have to be left out.  Just contact me and I would be happy to provide you with a copy of the presentation.