Event: Special Two-Session 8(a) Course with Jackie Robinson-Burnette

Mention Jackie Robinson-Burnette to anyone who participated in the 8(a) Program between 2014 and 2017, and you’re sure to get a big smile. As the SBA’s Associate Administrator of 8(a) Business Development, and then the Deputy Associate Administrator for Government Contracting and Business Development, Ms. Robinson-Burnette quickly became well-known for working tirelessly on behalf of small businesses, assisting them with a rare blend of knowledge, savvy and empathy.

That is why I am so excited to announce that on April 27 and 28 I will be co-hosting a very special two-day Govology course on the 8(a) Program with the one and only Jackie Robinson-Burnette! Don’t miss this unique chance to learn about 8(a) eligibility, certification growth strategies. To sign up, just click here. See you in April!

Koprince Law Discusses Teaming for Federal Contractors on Contracting Officer Podcast

I’m excited to announce that I am featured on the Contracting Officer Podcast, hosted by Kevin Jans and Paul Schauer! The episode is available here (Apple podcast here) and, in it, I discuss three common forms of contractor relationships: Teaming Agreements, Joint Venture Agreements, and the federal Mentor-Protégé Program. Be sure to check out this episode and the plethora of other podcast topics, helpful to both beginning and experienced federal contractors.

Event: Service Contract Act & Davis-Bacon Act “101”

The Biden administration recently announced plans to increase enforcement of the federal prevailing wage laws for contractors–the Service Contract Act and Davis-Bacon Act. Non-compliance with these laws can be grounds for severe sanctions. (Heck, the DOJ just announced another False Claims Act settlement in a prevailing wage case yesterday!)

If you’re new to the world of prevailing wage laws, or just need a refresher, please join me on March 18 for an introductory “101” look at the SCA and DBA, hosted by the South-West Texas Border Small Business Development Center Network. It’s easy to register: just click here.

Hope to see you on the 18th!

Event: Small Business Updates at the Alliance Northwest Conference

The last few months have seen a whirlwind of changes in the government contracting rules for small businesses–everything from rules governing joint ventures to WOSB certification to the requirement for government-wide SDVOSB verification, and much more.

If your head is spinning trying to keep up with all the recent changes, I’m here to help! On March 11, I’ll present a plain-English overview of some of the most important small business changes as part of the Alliance Northwest Conference.

Alliance is one of my favorite annual events, and it’s all-virtual this year–so even if you aren’t located in the Pacific Northwest, you should check it out. Hope to “see” you there!

Event: SBA Training Webinar on 8(a) Joint Ventures

8(a) joint ventures are a powerful tool–both for non-8(a)s to participate in 8(a) contract opportunities and for 8(a) companies to gain valuable experience in their industries. But it is crucial that 8(a) joint ventures follow all of SBA’s requirements if they want to get (and keep) 8(a) awards.

Some of those requirements underwent significant revisions this past year. Join Shane McCall and me on February 9 for the SBA Training Webinar: 8(a) Joint Ventures, where we will discuss the ins and outs of 8(a) joint ventures and keep you up-to-date on all of SBA’s requirements.

Please register here. Hope to see you there!

Event: Still a Game Changer: The SBA’s All Small Mentor-Protégé Program (2021 Update)

SBA’s All Small Mentor-Protégé Program isn’t a baby anymore—in fact, it isn’t even a toddler! But it remains a “game-changer” for large and small contractors alike. Now, it is effectively absorbing its 8(a) Mentor Protégé Program counterpart.

On February 11, please join me and Steven Koprince in an online session hosted by Govology where we cover the details of the recent mentor protégé program consolidation, along with all the other big changes to the program we’ve seen this last year.

Please click here for the registration information. Hope to see you there!

Event: How Will the New Legislative Changes Affect Your Small Business

The rules for small businesses, 8(a)s, SDVOSBs/VOSBs, WOSBs/EDWOSBs and HUBZones have changed a lot in recent months, and more changes are on the horizon in 2021! On February 4, please join me and and Steven Koprince as we cover these important changes, in an online session hosted by The Catalyst Center for Business & Entrepreneurship. Please click here for the registration information. Hope to see you there!