PPP Loan Payback? Safe Harbor Provision Lets Companies Pay Back “Unnecessary” Loan Money

**Update 5/6/2020: As of May 5, the SBA updated its PPP FAQ’s, announcing its intention to extend the PPP Safe Harbor period to May 14. This post has been updated to reflect this change.

***Update 5/14/2020: As of May 14, the SBA updated its PPP FAQ’s once again, announcing its intention to extend the PPP Safe Harbor period to May 18. This post has been updated a second time to reflect this change. The SBA has also supplemented its guidance on the Safe Harbor Provision, as discussed here.

If you’re a parent, you might be familiar with the SBA and Treasury Department’s current strategy to crack down on businesses taking Paycheck Protection Program funds when they don’t qualify: if ineligible businesses ‘fess up and return the money by May 14, nobody gets in trouble.

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SBA Updates Interim Paycheck Protection Program Rule for Self-Employed Individuals

As the social isolation saying goes: “Another day; another clarification from the SBA regarding the Paycheck Protection Program.” Alright, maybe that saying hasn’t caught on, yet. Nevertheless, the SBA did publish additional guidance specific to sole proprietors and general partners applying to the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP).

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SBA’s Paycheck Protection Program: What’s Going On with Affiliation?

Since the SBA’s Paycheck Protection Program went into effect last Friday, there has been considerable confusion about eligibility and, in particular, what affiliation rules apply to program applicants. The affiliation rules are important for helping companies determine if they can seek out these important loans.

In this post, we’ll let you know which affiliation rules apply to the program’s applicants and explain some exceptions to the applicable affiliation rules.

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