SBA Implements New Rules for Women’s Business Center Programs

Recently, we wrote about the Congress’ Women’s Business Centers Improvements Act of 2019 (H.R. 4405). Since the Act passed the House in October, SBA has independently codified improved rules for the Women’s Business Center Program.

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SmallGovCon Week In Review: February 29-March 4, 2016

Now that the calendar says March, I’m getting ready for March Madness.  The basketball excitement is building here in Lawrence, home of the #1 ranked Jayhawks.  Tomorrow, I’ll be at Allen Fieldhouse for the last home game of the season, and a farewell to senior standout Perry Ellis.

But don’t worry, I won’t let my excitement over March Madness deter me from bringing you our SmallGovCon Week In Review. This week’s collection of government contracts stories brings great news for WOSBs and EDWOSBs, an update on the abrupt cancellation of a major DHS contract, an effort to permit SDVOSBs to obtain disadvantaged status with the Department of Transportation, and much more.

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WOSB Sole Source Authority Added To FAR

WOSB sole source authority is now part of the FAR.

Effective December 31, 2015, the FAR Council has adopted an interim rule incorporating the WOSB sole source authority adopted in the 2013 National Defense Authorization Act and recently made part of the SBA’s regulations.

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WOSB Sole Source Contracts Authorized As Of October 14, 2015

WOSB and EDWOSB sole source contracts will be authorized under the SBA’s regulations effective October 14, 2015.

In a final rule published today, the SBA implemented regulatory authority pursuant to which Contracting Officers may issue sole source contracts.  The question now is whether Contracting Officers will be willing to issue sole source contracts based on the SBA’s rule–or will wait until the FAR Council adopts similar authority.

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WOSB Program: 15 Of 34 Set-Aside Awards Improper, Says SBA OIG

Of 34 WOSB and EDWOSB set-aside awards examined by the SBA Office of Inspector General, 15 of those awards were improper.

The SBA OIG’s conclusion comes in a new WOSB program report, and suggests that some Contracting Officers are unaware of the WOSB progran’s unique requirements, including the NAICS code limitations for WOSB and EDWOSB set-asides.

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WOSB Sole Source Contracts: One Step Closer

Women-Owned Small Business sole source contracts have moved one step closer to becoming a reality.

Today, the SBA issued a proposed rule implementing the WOSB sole source authority contained in the 2015 National Defense Authorization Act.  The relative speed with which the proposed rule was issued suggests that WOSBs could begin receiving sole source awards later this year.

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WOSB Program: Sole Source Contracts are Coming!

Just in time for the holidays, there is good news for WOSBs–sole source contracts are coming!

If you have followed SmallGovCon over the past week, you have seen a few posts about changes made to the 2015 National Defense Authorization Act since the bill was initially passed by the House in May.  But one piece of the original House bill has remained intact: the final 2015 NDAA allows WOSBs and EDWOSBs to receive sole source contracts.

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