GAO Has Jurisdiction Over BPA Modification Protests

The GAO has jurisdiction to decide protests challenging modifications to blanket purchase agreements, according to a recent GAO protest decision.  In Crewzers Fire Crew Transport, Inc., B-406601 (July 11, 2012), the GAO rejected a procuring agency’s argument that BPA modifications are a matter of contract administration, and thus outside the GAO’s protest jurisdiction.

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Contractors May File GAO Bid Protests on BPA Task Orders Under $10 Million

The GAO’s authority to hear bid protests of task orders is generally limited to instances in which the task order at issue is valued over $10 million.  However, the GAO recently held that the limit doesn’t apply to task orders issued under Blanket Purchase Agreements (“BPAs”).  Contractors competing for task order awards under BPAs should be aware that they may file bid protests with the GAO, even where a task order is valued at far less than $10 million.

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