If you’re an eight-year-old who has recently begun the literary journey to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry, avert your eyes, because here comes a major spoiler: at the end of the Harry Potter series, a grown-up Harry, now married to his pal Ron’s sister, Ginny, sends his own child off to Hogwarts. Oh, and Ron is married to Hermione, and they also have Hogwarts-bound offspring.
How do I know this culturally valuable information? Because I read to the very end of the last Harry Potter book (yes, I’m one of those people). Contrast this with the VA, which in a recent GAO bid protest case, refused to consider certain information presented by the protester because the information was contained in an exhibit to the proposal, not the narrative section. The GAO’s reaction: “read the whole stinkin’ proposal, VA.”