Webinar Event! Top 21 Legal Mistakes in Federal Government Contracting, February 13, 2025, 1:00pm-2:30pm CST

Federal contracting rules and laws are complicated, and the rules aren’t always intuitive. Many contractors make legal mistakes routinely, involving everything from completing SAM profiles to calculating small business size to communicating with government contracting officers. Federal government contracts attorneys, Nicole Pottroff & Annie Birney of Koprince McCall Pottroff, will discuss the top 21 most common legal mistakes that contractors make time and time again. You will learn what these common mistakes are and how to avoid them. Please join us for this free webinar hosted by the Alaska APEX Accelerators. Register here.

SmallGovCon Week in Review: February 27-March 3, 2023

Happy Friday and Happy March Madness. The country sure has been getting some wacky weather this week as spring is set to arrive soon. Here in Kansas, we are starting to see the first green sprouts emerging from the ground and everyone is getting really excited about the NCAA basketball tournament. Time to prepare your bracket and cheer on your favorite team as they fight to advance to the next level.

There were several announcements this week in federal government contracting, including implementation guidance from the Whitehouse on “No TikTok on Government Devices”. You can read about that and other related content in our articles list below. Have a great weekend.

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GAO: Agency Shouldn’t Have Allowed Bid Correction

When a contractor submits a sealed bid that includes a mistake, the contractor may be allowed to correct its bid, if there must be clear evidence of the error on the face of the bid.

According to a recent GAO decision, however, absent clear evidence, it is unreasonable for an agency to allow a bid correction.

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