8(a) Program: SBA OHA Holds Applicant May Work Second Full-Time Job

The 8(a) program regulations require the disadvantaged individual upon whom 8(a) program eligibility is based to manage the firm on a full-time basis, during normal working hours of firms in the same or similar line of business.  When 8(a) program applicants learn about 8(a) program’s “full time devotion” requirement, many ask: “can I work a second job?”

Maybe.  As seen in a recent decision of the SBA Office of Hearings and Appeals, an 8(a) program applicant may be able to engage in outside employment–even a second full-time job–so long as the applicant can demonstrate that the outside employment will not interfere with the applicant’s ability to manage the 8(a) firm full-time during normal working hours.

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